Thursday, October 24, 2019


Hey all, Jenn here. The last few years have been chaotic to say the least. I'm 41 now, single, and doing the single mom thing. I'll probably touch on things here and there.

I'm getting back in to writing again. I never really stopped completely but I put large parts of my life on hold for someone else and now I'm reclaiming everything I squashed down. I have a book review blog that I'm bringing back to life as well. You can find it here: .

I've been approved for three books to review so once I get them read they will be posted. This blog here will be for my writing and life adventures. Along with the reviews I plan to do NaNoWriMo this year. I'll hopefully be talking about that a lot intermixed with life updates and just some general fun.

I hope you enjoy it here. Please, please leave a comment even if its just to say hello. You can also connect with me on my Twitter account: @farfromperfekt . I also have an author Facebook page that can be found here: .

A sample chapter of a previous work in progress has been posted there. Please give the page a like, a read, and comment. I love interaction.

More updates to come. I'm back and I'm not leaving this time.

Xo, Jenn