Being a single mother (or parent) is hard enough but sometimes you have to have some hard conversations. My 11 year old daughter came home with a permission slip to be allowed to take a "Human Development" class. This brought to my attention that I really needed to sit down and at least have the period talk with my daughter. After all, her half sibling started her period at 10 and it could happen early for her too.
I dove in one night after her brother went to bed. I tried to keep it brief and answer all of her questions. I tried not to be too graphic because while I don't want her to be uninformed, I don't want to scare her so she won't come to me about it.
She was still grossed out and I was still embarrassed and every once in a while I ask her if she has any more questions or concerns. She's quietly asked a few but sometimes she's just, "Ew! No! Gross!"
Then we have my son.
At dinner the other night he looked at me and said, "I miss daddy."
This absolutely hurts my heart and soul. Once October comes around it will have been two years since their father has spoken to my children. Two YEARS. I just do not understand the thought process behind that.
To be clear, this is not by my choice. When he first left the household, he communicated with my kids. He called, video chatted, and I even brought them to him and we would all go out TOGETHER so he could spend time with them. Then he moved out of state and the contact tapered off until it stopped completely.
As angry as I am, if he called and asked to talk to them tomorrow, I would allow it. That's their father. However, I know in my heart that call is not going to come. It might never come again.
What do you say to your son when he says he misses his dad? How do you make him feel better? How do you explain to him that his dad is an asshole?
If I figure that out, I'll be sure to let you know.