Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Writing and NaNoWriMo

 Hello, it's me. I've gone through a hell of a time since my surgery on January 5, 2021. Long story is for another day, suffice to say I am currently living in a medical rehab facility and had to learn to walk again.

In some recent free time I have started writing again. My current work in progress is about a dominatrix that gets murdered and her best friend who is determined to find the killer. It's full of suspense and some sex and a bit of kink. Beta readers who have had a chance to read thus far have all had good things to say about it.

That brings me to the month of November also known as National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo. This year I'm going to be a participant. My goal is for 50K words added on to my current work in progress which will being me to a finished novel.

So please, stick around. I'm going to be updating more frequently from now on and may even include some excerpts from my work in progress (WIP).

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Look forward to seeing the progress on your novel
